Created by Thinkingbox
500 San Jacinto Blvd & 5th St.
Austin Texas
We're going to
For a second year, Thinkingbox will be hosting a series of panels for our clients and industry pros, aiming to engage the ad industry at an event wrapped in marketing, tech, and advertising.
Discussion One
The Evolution of Authenticity and Innovation in the Advertising Industry
Discussion The advertising landscape is rapidly evolving with new technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors. This panel focuses on how brands are balancing authenticity with the latest innovations in marketing amidst their evolving business needs.
Discussion Two
Modern Advertising and Brand Behavior Through the Lens of Inclusive Design
Discussion Inclusivity and Accessibility in advertising is more than a trend; it's a vital aspect of brand identity and consumer engagement. Discover the insights behind successful, diverse ad campaigns/products and learn how top brands are embedding inclusivity into their essence.
Sunday March 10, 2024
@ The Diner Bar
The Diner Bar
500 San Jacinto Blvd
& East 5th Street
Austin, Texas
10:00 - 11:00AM
Coffee Tasting & Brunch
11:00 - 12:00PM
Town Hall 1:
The Evolution of Authenticity and Innovation in the Advertising Industry
12:00 - 1:00PM
1:00 - 2:30PM
Town Hall 2:
Modern Advertising and Brand Behavior through the Lens of Inclusive Design
Registration is closed
Thank you for making The Sunday Society 2024 a success